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Who We Are?

4 +

Year Of Experience


"Next Generation Technology For Everyone."

about us

We are innovators, problem-solvers, and visionaries dedicated to transforming businesses through technology.

Satish Umagol - Founder

Our mission is to provide tailored IT solutions that equip small companies with the tools they need to thrive in the digital age. By offering expert guidance, innovative technologies, and personalized support, we aim to simplify complexity, amplify productivity, and drive sustainable progress for our clients.

Best innovations in the metallurgy today

Nov 2023
Journey was started

Our company, Tech Innovators, was founded with a vision to revolutionize the software industry. Starting with a small but passionate team, we were determined to make a mark by providing cutting-edge software solutions.

Jan 2024
Securing Our First Client

Our efforts paid off when we secured our first major client, a leading e-commerce company. This partnership not only validated our product's capabilities but also boosted our team's morale and credibility in the market.

Mar 2024
Expansion and Growth

To support our growing client base, we expanded our team, bringing in talented developers, designers, and customer support specialists. This expansion allowed us to diversify our product offerings and improve customer service.

May 2024
First Product Launch

Within just a couple of months, we launched our first product, "InnoSoft," a project management tool designed to streamline workflows and enhance team collaboration. The launch was a significant success, gaining positive feedback from early adopters.


Our mission is to provide tailored IT solutions that equip small companies with the tools they need to thrive in the digital age. By offering expert guidance, innovative technologies, and personalized support, we aim to simplify complexity, amplify productivity, and drive sustainable progress for our clients.

Tailored IT Solutions

We specialize in developing customized IT solutions that address the unique challenges faced by small businesses, ensuring they have the right tools to succeed in a competitive digital landscape.

Expert Guidance

Our team of seasoned professionals provides strategic advice and support, helping businesses navigate the complexities of technology and leverage it to their advantage.

Continuous Improvement

We are dedicated to continuous learning and development, constantly refining our services and solutions to deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients.


We are committed to staying at the forefront of technology, constantly exploring new ideas and solutions to keep our clients ahead of the curve. We believe in doing business with honesty and transparency, building trust with our clients through reliable and ethical practices.Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We prioritize their needs and work tirelessly to ensure their success and satisfaction.


We continuously seek out and embrace new technologies and methodologies to stay ahead of industry trends.


We maintain open and honest communication with our clients, fostering trust and transparency.

Customer Centrality

We take the time to understand our clients' unique needs and challenges, tailoring our solutions accordingly.


At DevRevel, we envision a future where small businesses are empowered by cutting-edge and next-generation technologies. We strive to be the catalyst that propels them towards success, fostering innovation, efficiency, and growth in every sector we touch.

Empowering Small Businesses

We aim to level the playing field by making advanced technologies accessible to small businesses, enabling them to compete with larger enterprises and achieve sustainable growth.

Fostering Innovation

By promoting a culture of creativity and experimentation, we help businesses discover innovative solutions that drive efficiency and open new avenues for growth.

Driving Efficiency

Our focus is on streamlining operations and enhancing productivity through smart technology solutions, helping businesses operate more efficiently and effectively.

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